
Carrasco Airport and Sustainability

Sustainability is a strategic pillar for Aeropuertos Uruguay. Our mission is to bring Uruguay closer to the world, and we always seek to do so in a sustainable way, respecting the environment, making a responsible use of resources and supporting the development of the communities in which we are present.

Taking care of our impact on the environment and society is not only our commitment, but also our obligation to the planet, and to the present and future generations. Our pillars of sustainable development support our actions, and give us the long-term perspective that we seek to have in everything we do. 

We have an environmental policy based on the alignment of economic and business development objectives with the responsible management of our environmental and social footprint.

Airports play an important role in society, which is why we are committed to supporting and carrying out initiatives that help develop and empower the communities in which we work.

To learn more about our efforts in terms of sustainability and all the actions we carry out, we invite you to read our Sustainability Report.


  • Sustainability Report
  • Environmental, Carbon Footprint and Energy Policy Declaration
  • Code of Ethics

Documents of interest

Accesibility Policy

We understand Accessibility as a fundamental human right, and a key element in our daily work to achieve our goal of bringing Uruguay closer to the world in a sustainable and respectful manner.

Código de Ética

Puerta del Sur S.A. ha desarrollado su Código de Conducta, estableciendo, en este documento, el conjunto de valores y principios éticos que, en todo momento, deben seguir los colaboradores de Puerta del Sur S.A. evitando, de esta manera, conductas inadecuadas que perjudiquen a la empresa o a la imagen de ésta.

Declaración Política Medio Ambiental y Huella de Carbono y Energía

Puerta del Sur S.A. es la concesionaria  del Aeropuerto Internacional de Carrasco desde el año 2003. La empresa brinda servicios aeroportuarios y comerciales de excelencia, sobre la base de un equipo especializado, infraestructura y tecnología de vanguardia, seguridad, innovación constante y compromiso profundo con el desarrollo del país. 

Reporte de Sostenibilidad

Nuestros pilares de desarrollo sostenible sustentan el accionarde nuestra compañía y nos dan la visión de futuro que buscamos.Nos trazamos una estrategia basada en tres pilares quecreemos son fundamentales para llevar adelante una gestiónsostenible y cumplir con nuestros compromisos.