Introducing our campaign “Uruguayos por Naturaleza”

Our new sustainability campaign, Uruguayos por Naturaleza (Uruguayans by Nature), is all about cherishing every inch of Uruguay and making travel choices that respect both our environment and our people.

With the backing of the Ministry of Tourism, this initiative aims to encourage foreign tourists and all individuals entering the country to delight in our natural beauty and environment while making responsible decisions for its preservation.

Our goal is to engage everyone involved in the tourism sector, with the vision of transforming Uruguay into a destination that wholeheartedly embraces sustainable tourism. We advocate for positive attitudes and best practices that contribute to environmental protection.

This campaign was unveiled to coincide with the release of the fifth Sustainability Report by Corporación América Airports in Uruguay. The report outlines the company’s operations from 2021-2022, highlighting key milestones and achievements over the past two years.

Our mission is to bring Uruguay closer to the world, and we seek to do it sustainably. We operate with full respect for the environment, mindful use of resources, and a commitment to fostering the growth of the communities in which we operate.

We invite you to find out more by visiting:


